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The David Latten Social Impact Award

À propos de cette Occasion de don

University College Cork (UCC) and Logitech have established the David Latten Social Impact Award in honour of the late David Latten. David was known to his colleagues in Logitech as someone who worked to make a difference every day, and was a passionate advocate of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) in his role of supply chain management and beyond.The David Latten Social Impact Award will be offered in the form of an annual one-off bursary and is open to students enrolled in Supply Chain Management and Science, Engineering and Food Science if procurement / supply chains is a significant part of their course content.The award will be aimed at 1) Women 2) from a less privileged or marginalised or minority background or who can demonstrate financial need.100% of your donation to this cause will go towards supporting this award and supporting underrepresented students at University College Cork, Ireland. Logitech will match all eligible employee donations.

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